
Stretching Vs. Strength Training for Flexibility

Stretching Vs. Strength Training for Flexibility

In this article, my aim is to explore is the physiological adaptations that could affect ROM – and whether there’s a difference in the mechanisms that lead to increases in ROM after doing stretching or strength training respectively.

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Stretching makes your muscles grow longer!

Stretching makes your muscles grow longer!

The effects of static stretching is often though to be only neural – however, this is not correct. If done correctly, stretching can litterally make your muscles grow longer, which might be helpfull if you want to get more flexible!

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Do bigger muscles make you less flexible?

Do bigger muscles make you less flexible?

Big muscles and flexibility are often seen as two things that don’t combine. However, that’s not always true –an increase in muscle size can have a negative effect on flexibility, but it’s not always the case

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The mechanisms behind increasing flexibility

The mechanisms behind increasing flexibility

There are two overarching theories about what happens when we get more flexible – and they both might be right. Either some structures are getting longer or less stiff, or we’re just getting better at tolerating the stretching sensation.

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