Personal training,

handstand, and flexibility


Breaking free of
physical limitations

I help people push the boundaries for what is physically possible through handstands, flexibility, and calisthenics. You do not need to have previous experience to be able to improve your skills in these areas – it’s never too late to start and everyone can improve!

Online Coaching

Take your training to the next level

If you would like to get more out of your training, online coaching could very well be the solution. Based on an initial interview and assessment, you will receive a training program tailored to your level and goals. You will then receive weekly video feedback so that we can continue to refine your technique and track your progress. You’ll be receiving ongoing support so we can make adjustments on the fly and you can ask me questions anytime, which I’ll answer within 24 hours. There is also the possibility of Zoom meetings as needed.


Get more out of your training

Let me help you remove the guesswork
hjælpe dig med at fjerne gætværket og
for reaching your goals.
1:1 Personal training
As a coach, I’m passionate about helping people exceed their expectations, about what they thought their bodies were capable of. On top of helping you along the way, I always strive to give you the tools to take control of your training.

Specializing in handstands, flexibility, and bodyweight training I have a deep understanding of how to approach the process of developing physical skills.

Online coaching
With online coaching, you’ll get a customized training program, as well as ongoing support and in-depth video feedback. I help you remove the guesswork and get the most out of your training – which has the bonus of making the process a lot less frustrating!
Handstands and Flexibility
I specialize in coaching handstands and flexibility – two disciplines, in which I have unique competencies because of a strong understanding of the theory behind it, as well as knowing what it’s like to go through the process of developing the skills and physical capacity within, both from learning everything as an adult myself, as well as a broad experience training people at all levels.

Attending a workshop is a great way to get started or to get the tools to further develop your skills.

I regularly host workshops, mainly on handstands and flexibility. You can sign up for my newsletter to get updated when there are new workshops planned.


Client stories

Jeg har trænet håndstand med Mikkel de sidste 1,5 år, hvor vi har arbejdet med opbygningen af en håndstand, styrke, fleksibilitet, balance, mod og sikkert meget mere. Jeg har fået en masse redskaber til at bygge min håndstandstræning op og til at opleve en god progression på egen hånd (- eller hænder). Jeg går altid fra en træningssession inspireret i min træningspraksis, fyldt med håndstandsselvtillid og i godt humør. Mikkel er utrolig dygtig på sit felt og meget behagelig at arbejde sammen med. Varmeste anbefalinger!


Line Amalie

Gennem nogle måneder trænede jeg håndstand under Mikkels kyndige vejledning. Det var altid en stor fornøjelse. Dels på grund af hans høje kompetenceniveau og gode observationsevne men ikke mindst fordi hans gode humør og store smil meget smittende. Mikkel er en stærk formidler og har en god fornemmelse af, hvor hans elev befinder sig kompetencemæssigt, så der kan sættes ind det rigtige sted i forhold til dit mål. Jeg har øvet håndstand tidligere og har fået ryddet op i en række dårlige vaner, fået forståelse for hvordan jeg selv kan strukturere min håndstandstræning og fået betydeligt bedre teknik. Mikkel kan klart anbefales som personlig træner.

Sune Velysion

Mit forløb med Mikkel har været fantastisk. Jeg var stagneret i min håndstandstræning og
valgte derfor at række ud til Mikkel i håb om at han kunne hjælpe mig på vej med mine mål
om stalder press og one arm. Jeg lærte en masse under mit forløb med Mikkel og blev
presset til sådan en grad at det både var hårdt, men også overskueligt. Det er så fedt, at
man kan nogle øvelser som nu som overhovedet ikke var muligt for 3 måneder siden, og
som man troede ville tage noget længere tid end 3 måneder fordi man var så frustreret
over dem inden man kom i Mikkels hænder

Josephine Lydolph

Ift fleksibilitet har jeg ingen mål og min baggrund for at være der i dag var et håb om ideer til at komme igennem min skade i baglåret. Jeg synes jeg gik meget klogere der fra og tror der er et par nyttige ting ift mit lidt særlige formål med workshoppen. Overordnet var workshoppen super sammensat. Mængden af øvelser var super og målet med workshoppen var tydeligt helt fra start, passende mængde til den afsatte tid. Fedt med en mail om morgen med hvad der var godt at have med og fantastisk at modtage en opfølgende mail med program eksempel. Total professionelt! Du sørgede for en varm og rolig stemning som skabte tryghed og jeg følte jeg var i meget kompetente hænder. Tak for en 5-stjernet ️️️️️workshop.

Malene fra workshop


Training on-the-go

Together with my good friend Andrés, I host the podcast ”Learning As We Go”. Here we talk in-depth about everything related to handstands, flexibility, and what it’s like to make a living as a coach specializing in these areas.


From back injury to becoming a coach

My interest in training was awakened after a back injury in 2014. When I was no longer limited by pain, I was, however, very limited by my extremely poor flexibility. It was the start of my quest to break free from my body’s limitations. Since then, I’ve had a great interest in flexibility training, especially how it can be developed through a strength based approach – in 2021 I completed my master’s degree in sports, where I wrote a thesis on the effects of, respectively, strength training and flexibility stretching.


A Customized
plan just for you

I help you remove the guesswork and make a clear plan for reaching your goals goals.

On top of helping you along the way, I always strive to give you the tools to take control of your training. Specializing in handstands, flexibility, and bodyweight training I have a deep understanding of how to approach the process of developing physical skills.


Sign up here

You will be notified when there are new workshops and events, as well as tips and tricks for your training. I only send out newsletters when I have something interesting to share – which is typically a couple of times a year.

